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Issue 190


Happy Feet (page 48)

Stitches for right and left heels should be worked as folls for Rows 33-37, then worked on the RS for the Foot for Row 38

Right heel
Row 30: sl 1, p11
Row 31: k9, skpo, turn. Work on these ten sts (one st left unworked on LH needle)
Row 32: sl 1, p9
Row 33: k7, skpo, turn. Work on these eight sts (two sts left unworked on LH needle)
Row 34: sl 1, p7
Row 35: k6, skpo. Seven sts
Row 36: sl 1, p6
Row 37: k7, then, k2 unworked sts on LH needle. Nine sts
Cut yarn
Transfer all sts left on the LH needle at Row 25 to RH needle

Left heel
Row 30: sl 1, k11
Row 31: p9, p2tog, turn. Work on these ten sts (one st left unworked on LH needle)
Row 32: sl 1, k9
Row 33: p7, p2tog, turn. Work on these eight sts (two sts left unworked on LH needle)
Row 34: sl 1, k7
Row 35: p6, p2tog. Seven sts
Row 36: sl 1, k6
Row 37: p7, then, p2 unworked sts on LH needle. Nine sts
Cut yarn, place rem sts on LH needle on RH needle

With RS facing, beg at Right heel and join in yarn B
Row 38: k9 sts of Right heel, pick up and k one st from side of Right heel edge, k20 centre sts, pick up and k one st from side of Left heel edge, k9 sts of Left heel. 40 sts
Row 39: p to end


Precious Purl (page 70)

Second inc section - first, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth sizes only
For first and fourth sizes only, instead of
P 3 (-, 0, 3, -, 0, 0, 0) rows
work as folls:
Next row: k6, p to last six sts, k6
Rep last row twice more

Third inc section - first and fourth sizes only
Amend repeats as folls:
Row 1 (WS): k6, * p3, M1A, rep from * to last six sts, k6. 132 (-, -, 168, -, -, -, -) sts
Row 2: k6, * p1, k3, rep from * to last six sts, k6
Row 3: k6, * p3, k1, rep from * to last six sts, k6

The first set of Leg shaping instructions are for First, Fourth, and Eighth sizes.
The second set of Leg shaping instructions are for Second, Third, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh sizes.

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