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Issue 190


Happy Feet (page 48)

Stitches for right and left heels should be worked as folls for Rows 33-37, then worked on the RS for the Foot for Row 38

Right heel
Row 30: sl 1, p11
Row 31: k9, skpo, turn. Work on these ten sts (one st left unworked on LH needle)
Row 32: sl 1, p9
Row 33: k7, skpo, turn. Work on these eight sts (two sts left unworked on LH needle)
Row 34: sl 1, p7
Row 35: k6, skpo. Seven sts
Row 36: sl 1, p6
Row 37: k7, then, k2 unworked sts on LH needle. Nine sts
Cut yarn
Transfer all sts left on the LH needle at Row 25 to RH needle

Left heel
Row 30: sl 1, k11
Row 31: p9, p2tog, turn. Work on these ten sts (one st left unworked on LH needle)
Row 32: sl 1, k9
Row 33: p7, p2tog, turn. Work on these eight sts (two sts left unworked on LH needle)
Row 34: sl 1, k7
Row 35: p6, p2tog. Seven sts
Row 36: sl 1, k6
Row 37: p7, then, p2 unworked sts on LH needle. Nine sts
Cut yarn, place rem sts on LH needle on RH needle

With RS facing, beg at Right heel and join in yarn B
Row 38: k9 sts of Right heel, pick up and k one st from side of Right heel edge, k20 centre sts, pick up and k one st from side of Left heel edge, k9 sts of Left heel. 40 sts
Row 39: p to end


Precious Purl (page 70)

Second inc section - first, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth sizes only
For first and fourth sizes only, instead of
P 3 (-, 0, 3, -, 0, 0, 0) rows
work as folls:
Next row: k6, p to last six sts, k6
Rep last row twice more

Third inc section - first and fourth sizes only
Amend repeats as folls:
Row 1 (WS): k6, * p3, M1A, rep from * to last six sts, k6. 132 (-, -, 168, -, -, -, -) sts
Row 2: k6, * p1, k3, rep from * to last six sts, k6
Row 3: k6, * p3, k1, rep from * to last six sts, k6

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