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Why Knitters Should Crochet Too

Why Knitters Should Crochet Too

Find out why crochet is our second favourite hobby

Here at LK we’re big advocates of using the right technique for the job. If a pattern works better in the round, we’ll use circular needles. It’s the same when it comes to crochet. You can create so many different fabric finishes or stitch effects just by picking up the hook rather than the needles. We don’t see crochet as something to be scared of or dismissed. Instead, we embrace the challenge of learning a new skill and love to see what other great designs there are to transform our stash. Here are some reasons why you should too!

Make granny squares…

These colourful motifs are a true crochet classic and you really can’t replicate the effect in knitting. They only use three different stitches – chains, trebles and slip stitches – so are relatively straightforward to work, and you can get super creative with colour. They’re easy to customise and you can make them as large or small as you like. Crochet grows quickly so it won’t take you long to make a blanket or throw. Download Emma Varnam’s gorgeous granny square blanket pattern !

...or magical mandalas!

These Eastern-inspired decorations are also great examples of a project that works better in crochet than knitting. They’re usually based on a circular shape and the symmetry of the designs reflect balance and spirituality. Designer Irene Strange has turned her mandala into a dream catcher. Find the crochet pattern here.

Crochet amazing amigurumi

Cute and quirky crochet toys are known as amigurumi. The style originated in Japan but we love the wide range of patterns on offer. Crochet is perfect for this look as it gives the toys clear shape and structure. We’ve got pages and pages of cute ami designs, including the stompy dinos. LKT members can download Irene Strange’s amigurumi dinosaur crochet pattern here.

Get the best of both worlds!
“Crochet produces a much firmer fabric than knitting and therefore is invaluable for making some types of projects,” explains designer Val Pierce. “A crochet building block for babies keeps its shape much better than a knitted one, likewise it’s very difficult to knit a good=shaped circle, whereas a crochet circle is simple to create and is perfect when you need to make eyes or even wheels for a vehicle project.”

Fall in love with lace

Lace knitting requires a lot of concentration and can take a long time to work, but it’s much quicker to create openwork patterns in crochet. This is to do with the how the stitches are constructed. Irish lace traditionally uses mesh-work and floral motifs. Check out Virginia Coppins’ wedding bag as a prime example. Download the crochet pattern here.

Tell us your favourite yarns for crochet on social media!

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