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Meet the Designer: Jane Burns

Meet the Designer: Jane Burns

Find out more about one of Let’s Knit’s most popular designers, Jane Burns.

Name: Jane Burns

Speciality: Quirky simple-to-make knitting projects and biscuit eating

Website or blog: knittingimage.wordpress.com

Favourite yarn: Rowan Pure Wool DK

Favourite Let’s Knit pattern: I have two - firstly the Cherry Blossom tape measure/pin cushion. I had seen novelty tape measures and pin cushions and I thought it would be a challenge to knit something that was multi-purpose. I was thrilled with the end result, and the way all the pieces fit together – even the cake wrapper!

Secondly, Bones. I designed these mittens for LK a number of years ago now and still I get compliments on them. They are my most popular pattern available to buy on Ravelry.

Cherry Blossom, from Let’s Knit March 2014

Best knitting memory: Watching my Nan knitting, it looked so complicated.  I loved flicking through her pattern books, thinking how I would adapt the design to make it more modern.

Best knitting tip: Good quality yarn will make all the difference to your finished fabric.

Guilty pleasure: Long long lie-ins
Favourite song: Everlong, Foo Fighters

Favourite dessert: Sticky toffee pudding and custard
Favourite television show to knit to: Holby City
Favourite gift to knit for others: Socks or mittens

If you could knit for anyone who would it be, and what would you knit? I would knit mittens for my Nan, who never got to see me master stocking stitch. I think she would be very proud.

Perfect day: Sitting in a coffee shop chatting with my husband.

Number of projects on the go: Too many!

First product knitted: It will have been a Jean Greenhowe Toy,  I made a lot of these they were a great introduction to shaping and pattern reading.  The pieces were small and manageable without getting frustrating.
Biggest knitting disaster: I may have ironed an acrylic baby cardigan, and I may have spent so long knitting the same cardigan that I ended up with three sleeves.

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